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VDP Variables

VDP variables provide a way to both read and change the state of the VDP. They can be used to enable an experimental feature, read the current state of the VDP, or change the state of the VDP.

VDU variables contain 16-bit values. Some variables may only use the lower 8 bits.

Variables are currently split into three general categories: test flags, system variables, and VDU variables. In the future we will add more variables to expose the state of the audio system. These categorites are given some broad ranges of variable IDs to allow for future expansion, and to allow for easy identification of the type of variable.

Test flags are used to enable a feature that may either be experimental, not yet fully implemented, have an API that might change, or not fully tested.

System variables provide access to VDP system information, such as memory usage, real-time clock data, and keyboard settings.

VDU variables provide access to the graphics system state, including context-specific information that may change when switching context.

The VDP variables system was added in Console8 VDP 2.9.0, and was initially used only for test flags.

The Console8 VDP 2.12.0 release has added many new variables that expose the state of the VDP, and allow for changes to be made to that state. It is also now possible to use VDP variables in buffered commands. This allows for conditional commands to be used to check against a variable, and the contents of a variable to be read into a buffer.

Variable APIs

There are just two API calls to directly work with VDP variables, one to set a variable, and another to clear it. As of VDP 2.12.0 the buffered command API also allows for the reading of variables into a buffer, and for conditional commands to be used to perform their checks against a variable.

The commands to set and clear variables are documented in the system commands documentation. Briefly they are:

  • VDU 23, 0, &F8, variableId; value;: Set a VDP Variable
  • VDU 23, 0, &F9, variableId;: Clear a VDP Variable

The buffered command API is documented in the buffered commands documentation. The "conditional" commands there are now extended to allow for the use of variables, and an additional command to read the value of a variable and store it into a buffer has been added.

Variable ID ranges

All variables listed are available from VDP 2.12.0 onwards. Variables that were introduced in 2.9.0 and 2.11.0 are marked as such.

The broad ranges of variable IDs are as follows:

Variable ID range Description
&1-&FF Test flags
&100-&FFF System settings
&1000-&1FFF VDU variables (graphics/text system)
&2000-&2FFF Reserved for audio system variables
&3000-&3FFF Reserved for future use
&4000-&FFFF Available for general use

The system will not prevent you from using variables in reserved ranges, although inside the "VDU variables" range values that the system does not directly support will not be stored, and cannot be read.

Test Flags

As of Console8 VDP 2.9.0 the following test flags are supported:

Variable ID Value Description
1 0 (any) Enable the Affine Transforms feature (available from 2.9.0)
2 0 (any) Enable hardware sprites

If a flag is set that is not recognised then it will have no effect. This means that if a feature graduates from being a test feature and no longer requires a flag to be set for use then, so long as the API for the feature remains the same, software that sets the flag to enable the feature will still work.

For the current test flags that the VDP supports, any value can be set to enable the feature. Future flags may require specific values to be set to control how the feature works.

System Variables

Broadly speaking, system variables are used to read and change the state and configuration of the VDP that are not directly related to the current graphics context state or screen mode. Within the system variables block there are sub-blocks for different types of system information.

The sub-ranges within system variables are broadly as follows:

Block Description
&100-&1FF Communications system settings
&200-&208 Real-time clock data
&209-&20F Reserved for future use
&210-&21F VDP memory information
&220-&22F Keyboard settings
&230-&23F Context management
&240-&2FF Reserved for future use
&300-&3FF Graphical system enhancement settings/flags
&400-&4FF Bitmap/Sprite system control settings
&500-&FFF Reserved for future use

Many system variables can be set and adjusted by other VDU commands

As of Console8 VDP 2.12.0 the following system variables are supported:

Variable ID Value Read-only Clearable Description
&0101 0/1 X Full duplex UART hardware flow control flag. This is intended for internal use by MOS. NB setting this flag will break communications with MOS unless a suitable version of MOS that supports full duplex flow control. The first version of MOS to support this will be MOS 3.0 alpha 3
&0102 n/a X Reserved for future use (Buffer size on MOS for VDP protocol packets)
&0110 0/1 X Reserved for future use (Echo back received data, for redirect/spool, with a suitable version of MOS that supports this feature)
&0200 0-999 Real-time clock year
&0201 1-12 Real-time clock month
&0202 1-31 Real-time clock day
&0203 0-23 Real-time clock hour
&0204 0-59 Real-time clock minute
&0205 0-59 Real-time clock second
&0206 0-999 X Real-time clock millisecond
&0207 0-6 X Real-time clock weekday
&0208 0-366 X Real-time clock day of year
&0210 X Free PSRAM low bytes
&0211 X Free PSRAM high bytes
&0212 X Number of buffers used
&0220 0-17 Keyboard layout (setting to an invalid number will set to zero)
&0221 0/1 Control keys on/off (setting to any non-zero value sets to 1)
&0230 0-255 Current active context ID
&0300 0 (any) X Tile engine flag (enables layers commands, available from VDP 2.11.0)
&0310 0 (any) X Enables copper features flag
&0400 0 (any) X Prefer hardware sprites flag. When set, all sprites will be set to be hardware sprites after calling the "Reset sprites" API, if the "Enable hardware sprites" test flag has also been set

VDU Variables

VDU variables are numbered in the range &1000-&1FFF and are used to expose information on the current graphics system state. This includes both information about the current screen mode, and the current context state.

The set of variables are loosely based on the VDU variables available in Acorn's RISC OS operating system, and where appropriate they are numbered the same. The Agon VDP includes many extensions to include additional information that is specific to the Agon platform.

All variables within this range are reserved for use by the VDU system. Any values that are not recognised will not be stored, and cannot be read.

Flag variables use values 0 to indicate disabled, and 1 to indicate enabled. Setting a flag to any non-zero value is counted as if setting to 1.

Some variables provide coordinates. For those variables that are marked as "screen coordinates", the origin is at the top-left of the screen, and the location is measured in pixels. For those variables that are marked as "character coordinates", the origin is at the top-left of the screen, and the location is measured in characters. Variables shown as "OS coordinates" will reflect the currently selected coordinate system, as defined in variable &1057. When the default coordinate system is selected, the origin is at the bottom-left of the screen, and the location is measured in OS units, where the screen is defined as 0-1279 for X and 0-1023 for Y.

Variable ID Value Read-only Clearable Description
0x1001 X Text columns - (characters)
0x1002 X Text rows - (characters)
0x1003 1/3/15/63 X Max logical colour number for current screen mode
0x100B X Screen width in pixels - 1
0x100C X Screen height in pixels - 1
0x100D 1/2 X Number of screen banks (1 for single-buffered modes, 2 for double-buffered)
0x1017 0-255 Current line thickness (pixels)
0x1018 Text cursor, absolute X position (chars)
0x1019 Text cursor, absolute Y position (chars)
0x1020 Frame counter low word (the frame counter is a 32-bit value)
0x1021 Frame counter high word
0x1055 X Current screen mode number
0x1056 0/1 Legacy modes flag
0x1057 0/1 Coordinate system (0 = screen/pixel coordinates, 1 = logical/OS (default))
0x1058 0/1 Paged mode flag
0x1066 0-255 Cursor behaviour flags byte, as set via VDU 23,16,x,y
0x1067 0/1 Text cursor visibility
0x1068 Text cursor block horizontal start column
0x1069 Text cursor block horizontal end column
0x106A 0-31 Text cursor block vertical start row
0x106B Text cursor block vertical end row
0x106C 0-3 Text cursor appearance, write only (0 = steady, 1 = off, 2 = fast blink, 3 = slow blink)
0x1070 X Active cursor type (0 = Text cursor, 1 = Graphics cursor)
0x1080 Graphics window, LH column, screen coordinates
0x1081 Graphics window, Bottom row, screen coordinates
0x1082 Graphics window, RH column, screen coordinates
0x1083 Graphics window, Top row, screen coordinates
0x1084 Text window, LH column, character coordinates
0x1085 Text window, Bottom row, character coordinates
0x1086 Text window, RH column, character coordinates
0x1087 Text window, Top row, character coordinates
0x1088 Graphics origin, X, OS coordinates
0x1089 Graphics origin, Y, OS coordinates
0x108A Graphics cursor, X, OS coordinates
0x108B Graphics cursor, Y, OS coordinates
0x108C Oldest Graphics cursor, X, screen coordinates
0x108D Oldest Graphics cursor, Y, screen coordinates
0x108E Previous Graphics cursor, X, screen coordinates
0x108F Previous Graphics cursor, Y, screen coordinates
0x1090 Graphics cursor, X, screen coordinates
0x1091 Graphics cursor, Y, screen coordinates
0x1097 0-7 GCOL action for foreground colour
0x1098 0-7 GCOL action for background colour
0x1099 0-63 Graphics foreground (logical) colour
0x109A 0-63 Graphics background (logical) colour
0x109B 0-63 Text foreground (logical) colour
0x109C 0-63 Text background (logical) colour
0x10A1 X Max mode number (not double-buffered)
0x10A2 X X font size, graphics cursor
0x10A3 X Y font size, graphics cursor
0x10A4 X X font spacing, graphics cursor
0x10A5 X Y font spacing, graphics cursor
0x10A7 X X font size, text cursor
0x10A8 X Y font size, text cursor
0x10A9 X X font spacing, text cursor
0x10AA X Y font spacing, text cursor
0x10F2 Dotted line pattern length
0x10F3 Line pattern, bytes 0-1
0x10F4 Line pattern, bytes 2-3
0x10F5 Line pattern, bytes 4-5
0x10F6 Line pattern, bytes 6-7
0x1100 Width of text window in chars
0x1101 Height of text window in chars
0x1118 X position of text cursor within text window
0x1119 Y position of text cursor within text window
0x111A X position of text cursor in screen coordinates
0x111B Y position of text cursor in screen coordinates
0x1200-0x123F 0-63 Palette entries. Maps logical colours to physical screen colours. The entries used will depend on the number of colours in the current screen mode
0x1300-0x13FF Character to bitmap mapping. Value is a 16-bit bitmap ID, or 65535 if character is not mapped. See VDU 23, 0, &92, char, bitmapId;
0x1400 Currently selected bitmap ID (16-bit bitmap ID)
0x1401 X Count of bitmaps used
0x1402 Current bitmap transform ID. Must be set to a buffer ID containing a valid affine transform. The affine transforms flag must be set to change this value
0x1410 0-255 Current sprite ID
0x1411 X Number of sprites active (not necessarily visible)
0x1420 Mouse cursor ID
0x1441 0/1 Mouse cursor enabled. Mouse data can only be read if the mouse is enabled
0x1442 Mouse cursor X position in screen coordinates
0x1443 Mouse cursor Y position in screen coordinates
0x1444 0-7 X Mouse cursor button status. Bit 0 indicates left button pressed, bit 1 the right button, and bit 2 the middle button
0x1445 X Mouse wheel delta
0x1446 Mouse sample rate
0x1447 Mouse resolution
0x1448 Mouse scaling
0x1449 Mouse acceleration
0x144A Mouse wheel acceleration